This post? Today, it’s all from the heart…
From the Beginning
I was born and raised in a small, rural village in the area known as “God’s Country” on the mid-western side of Ohio. My hometown instilled deep roots of faith, strong family values and a supportive network that still feels like home every time we go back. Born the oldest of four siblings in a family who has multiple generations of entrepreneurs, I always had a unique lens to parenthood and business ownership.
Following High School, I came to The Ohio State University where I received my B.S. in Exercise Science Education and my Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) degrees. I then began working at Ohio State; a Buckeye through and through.
A Leap of Faith
After the birth of my second child in November of 2021, I felt a tug on my heart to do something different. To step out on my own as a private practice owner and treat patients differently than the traditional hospital, insurance-based model. A desire surfaced to create a schedule that worked well for my growing family, while still following my passion of helping others be their most healthful self. I felt called to serve the whole person, not solely the single body part written on their referral. Having more time one on one with clients to discuss their sleep, nutrition and lifestyle activity concerns in a calm, nurturing space became my vision. A space where patients could feel immediate stress reduction upon walking into the door. What started as a small nudge soon became a burning flame that I knew I had to pursue.
Fast forward to Spring of 2022, I had coffee with Julie Wilkes, the owner of Seven Studios. Julie has been a mentor of mine for nearly a decade. I completed my Exercise Science Internship with her in 2014 and my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with her in 2018. When she mentioned a new business venture for Seven Studios coming to Grandview Avenue, I knew this was another push towards the next step in my career.
I began listening to business and marketing podcasts. Started learning how to build a website from scratch. My husband became my on-call tech support and business strategist. I did all of this after returning home in the evenings from working a full-time physical therapy position at a hospital-based outpatient sports medicine clinic. Not to mention breastfeeding an infant around the clock and parenting a toddler. Whew! The summer of 2022 certainly blew by.
With all the background work completed and the new Seven Studios location open, it became time to leave my prior place of employment in order to take the big leap of faith and officially begin my private practice journey. On August 19th, 2022, I launched my physical therapy and holistic wellness private practice – Dr. Kayla Borchers, LLC.
My Why
Motherhood. Family. Serving. Educating. Being present. Shining and sharing my God-given light and helping others shine theirs brighter.
It has been a dream of mine for a long time to create a work schedule that works around my family, and not the other way around. This drove me to finally make the decision to step out on my own, put my values first, and truly serve from a full tank. I’m honored to show up as my best, most authentic self to serve others through my business and at home.
In my work, I desire to create a calm, compassionate space. To be fully present for each client and give them the 1:1 time and care they deserve. To dive beyond the pain and really get to the root cause. I strive to support women throughout their pregnancy and beyond. Helping active families thrive lights me up! Integrating movement into the everyday rhythm of life is my jam. By serving you from this space, I arrive home feeling full, not frazzled.
Keeping my “why” in mind each day helps me to show up as the best physical therapist, holistic wellness consultant, presenter, yoga instructor, wife and mother that I can be. My goal is to help others do the same within their own lives, no matter how many “hats” you wear!

My Why: To have more time for this, Apple Picking on a Friday afternoon

And this, a mid-day baby-wearing stroll on a Monday
Life Purpose
My vocation is motherhood and marriage, my life purpose is helping others heal mentally, physically and emotionally such that they may more fully live out their own innate life purpose. I believe we were each put on this earth for a reason. That we each bring unique gifts, talents and services to the table. There is room for each of us to grow and shine. Someone else’s light shining brighter does not dim your own. I have met so many incredible people already since starting my entrepreneurial journey. These “God winks” along the way have continued to shed light on what unique gifts I have been given, and how I can help support others as they are living out theirs.
Thanks for diving deep with me today. I would love to hear your story and help you shine your light in this world as bright as possible!