Recently I had the honor of joining Erika Karl on her BabeSkills Podcast. She’s a Clean Beauty expert and passionate about all things wellness, mindfulness, clean living and motherhood. As you can imagine, we had a lot to chat about covering these topics. It was such a great conversation that I wanted to highlight some of what we covered here. No matter where you are on your wellness journey, I invite you to take a listen and see what resonates most with you!
On the episode, we chat about:
- Clean beauty products – highlighting Beauty Counter, Crunchi and Osea favorites
- Home product swaps for more sustainable, clean home care
- My love of Sistain’s natural fiber brushes as a great swap for plastic fibers (PS – DRKAYLA saves you 10% on your order!)
- Mental health postpartum and available resources
- Mindfulness and meditation benefits
- A guided breath awareness exercise
- How to nourish our physical bodies post-baby
- When to begin exercising after childbirth
- Holistic tips for healing after baby
Let me know if you listen to our holistic approach to body after baby and clean living conversation on the BabeSkills Podcast! I’d love to hear what snippets stood out the most to you. Feel free to comment below to let me know your thoughts!