Understanding Diastasis Recti: What Every Pregnant and Postpartum Woman Should Know

hi, i'm dr. kayla!

DPT & mama of three who is passionate about proactive, root-case women’s health care.


As a Holistic Doctor of Physical Therapy, I’ve worked with countless women who are worried about Diastasis Recti (DR) in pregnancy and postpartum. Diastasis Recti is a condition that causes the abdominal muscles to separate during pregnancy. While it’s completely normal to develop during pregnancy, you need to understand how to both move with DR during pregnancy and how to heal your core postpartum.

There is a lot of information (and misinformation) out there surrounding Diastasis Recti. That’s where I come in as a Holistic Orthopedic & Pelvic Floor Doctor of Physical Therapy. To give you the science-backed facts, and actionable steps to help you starting now!

In Episode 38 of Fitness for Pregnancy & Beyond Podcast with host Janelle Ahrens, I had the pleasure of being interviewed to dive into this exact topic. We break down what Diastasis Recti really is, how you can support your body despite this diagnosis, and why you don’t need to panic if you’re facing this during or after pregnancy.

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis Recti is the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles—you know, the “six-pack muscles”—that run down the front of your belly. During pregnancy, your growing baby puts pressure on these muscles, causing them to stretch apart to make room. This is a normal process and happens to almost every woman during pregnancy.

After giving birth, some women’s abdominal muscles struggle to come back together, leaving a gap. While some women get caught up on the aesthetics of this with their core postpartum, the issue of Diastasis Recti goes much deeper. This can lead to issues like back pain, poor posture, and even trouble with everyday movements like lifting or bending. You will feel like you’ve lost connection to your core—and that’s frustrating!

Why Diastasis Recti Happens

Now, let’s break this down a bit. Your body is incredible and designed to adapt to the demands of pregnancy. Diastasis Recti happens as a natural response to the pressure your growing uterus places on the abdominal wall. That said, not every case of DR is the same. Factors like multiple pregnancies, poor posture, excessive weight gain, or improper exercise mechanics during pregnancy can make the separation wider or harder to heal.

But here’s the thing: it’s not your fault. Many women feel like they did something wrong to cause this, but DR is a common and often unavoidable part of pregnancy. The key isn’t to avoid it, but to know how to properly manage it during pregnancy AND how to optimally heal it afterward.

That’s exactly why I created my Holistically Well Programs, guided workout routines specific to Preconception, Pregnancy and Postpartum. This will take the guess-work out of moving with your DR and help you feel confident in moving your body despite having this condition.

Can You Heal Diastasis Recti?

Yes, you can! But let’s be clear about one thing—healing DR isn’t just about getting a flatter stomach. It’s about restoring strength and function to your core. This is where holistic, science-backed care comes into play.

When I work with women through my Holistically Well Pregnancy and Postpartum Programs, I focus on core rehab that strengthens the deep core muscles, like the transverse abdominis. This is the muscle that acts like a corset, wrapping around your torso and helping bring those separated muscles back together.

Avoiding the “Quick Fixes”

I know it’s tempting to Google quick-fix solutions, but a lot of what’s out there can do more harm than good. Crunches, sit-ups, and intense core exercises are not the way to heal Diastasis Recti. In fact, they can make the separation worse by putting pressure on your already weakened abdominal wall.

Instead, the key is gentle, functional exercises that retrain your core to work properly. These movements focus on reconnecting your brain to your core muscles, ensuring that they’re firing the right way before you move on to anything more intense. My programs are specifically designed to help you rebuild your core in a way that’s safe and effective.

A Holistic Approach to Healing

What’s unique about my method is that I don’t just look at the gap between your muscles—I look at your whole body. This means addressing posture, breathwork, alignment, and pelvic floor health. Your core doesn’t exist in isolation, and trying to treat it that way can lead to incomplete healing or future issues.

We also have to consider how we’re moving throughout the day. If you’re bending, twisting, or lifting in ways that put too much pressure on your core, it’s hard for your body to heal. That’s why we focus on functional movement patterns in the Holistically Well Programs. I teach women how to move better in their everyday life—whether that’s picking up your baby, carrying groceries, or just getting up from the couch!

Healing is Possible—And You Don’t Have to Do It Alone

One of the things I see most often is women feeling isolated or overwhelmed by their Diastasis Recti. You’re not alone, and you don’t have to navigate this without support. My Holistically Well Pregnancy and Postpartum Programs are designed to take the guesswork out of healing and empower you to regain confidence in your body.

These self-paced, guided programs include safe exercises tailored to your unique stage of life, along with strategies to heal your core while supporting your overall wellness. We focus not only on physical recovery but also on restoring that sense of strength and connection to your body.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re struggling with Diastasis Recti or just want to be proactive in your recovery after pregnancy, I invite you to join my Holistically Well Pregnancy and Postpartum Programs. You’ll get access to my science-backed, holistic approach to healing your core and supporting your body through this journey.

You don’t have to settle for discomfort, weakness, or frustration with your body. Let’s get you back to feeling strong, empowered, and back to the activities you love!

Want to learn more? Tune into Episode 38 of Fitness for Pregnancy & Beyond Podcast: The Truth About Diastasis Recti with Dr. Kayla Borchers!

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I'm Dr. Kayla Borchers!

A Holistic Orthopedic and Pelvic Health Physical Therapist, Prenatal and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist, Certified Yoga Teacher and mama of three who is passionate about proactive, root-case women’s health care.