We all have that thing that makes us feel good. In pregnancy, I find it especially helpful to lean into what feels good in order to optimally support my body in this transformative season. Bonus points for a daily routine that helps mama bond with baby, too.
With each pregnancy, prenatal yoga has been my go-to as a Holistic Women’s Health Physical Therapist. Whether to start or end the day, this form of movement makes my spine and muscles feel goooood. Setting aside time to move my body, focus on breath-work and be in tune with baby’s movements not only supports my body, but all the little life growing within.
So, what exactly are the benefits of yoga both in general, and specific to the perinatal life season? Let’s break this down!

For one, yoga helps regulate our stress levels and bring us out of fight or flight mode and into our rest and digest portion of the nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is activated when we diaphragmatically breathe. This form of breathing is often cued in yoga and cued to match movement. As a doctor of physical therapy, I take this to the next level with pelvic floor and deep core integration. More on that later.
But truly, having a movement practice such as yoga that is calming and not overstimulating to our nervous system does a world of good. This is particularly true when trying to conceive, during pregnancy and throughout postpartum life seasons.
Yoga promotes strength, stability and mobility. It is rare to find movement routines that do all three of these vital components to our musculoskeletal system’s health. Not only does yoga help in the realignment of various mechanical disorders, but it will also strengthen the weak muscles while lengthening the tight ones. In fact, studies have shown that movement therapies like yoga have greatly reduced chronic pain caused by joint diseases or other forms of pain associated with our joints, muscles and bones.
When we move mindfully and intentionally, we are better able to connect with the little one within us. Whether the baby currently growing in our belly, or a future child we are dreaming about proactively preparing our body for conception. Yoga encourages expectant mothers to connect with their unborn child on a deeper level. Through mindfulness and meditation practices, we can develop a strong bond with our baby even before birth. Pretty incredible, right?! This enhanced connection fosters a deep sense of emotional well-being between us and the little life within us. These positive influences can be seen in the mama-baby relationship after birth. There is actually research to support this, and I can say that after two pregnancies where yoga was a staple in my routine, this has rang true.
These days I love feeling my third child within me while my first two children move alongside me. Get a glimpse of this morning routine via my Instagram post HERE. Moving mindfully and encouraging our children to do so with us is an incredible bonding experience — both in and outside of the womb.
The benefits of prenatal yoga truly extend beyond pregnancy. By strengthening our body and enhancing flexibility during pregnancy, we are setting ourselves up for an easier postpartum recovery. Count me in, right?!
Yoga can also aid in restoring muscle tone, reducing risk of postpartum depression, and helping mamas regain energy levels and overall well-being after baby is born. When we do something during pregnancy, it makes it that much easier to resume after having our baby. For this reason, I highly recommend establishing a good home yoga practice preconception, which then lends to an easier prenatal experience and ultimately postpartum recovery.