Third trimester with my third baby as a Women’s Health Physical Therapist. Let’s goooo, my friend!
In this post from leading Women’s Health Physical Therapist Dr. Kayla Borchers, you will find third trimester tips to sustain your workout routines, how to optimize nutrition for both you and baby’s health, and how to avoid common pregnancy ailments such as nausea or pain. It is our goal that these essential tips help you support your own body during pregnancy, too.
Why Workout in the Third Trimester?
This is the time in pregnancy where many women begin to *feel* more pregnant and uncomfortable. The good new? Movement is still soooo beneficial for both you and baby – we just need to make adjustments to support your body in this new season!
In the third trimester, I recommend beginning inversions to help optimize baby’s positioning in womb. You can learn how to do this with Spinning Babies, linked here.
In my Holistic Pregnancy Program, we cover how to perform inversions at varying levels. This assists with baby’s positioning and your own areas of discomfort. For instance, inversions help with common ailments such as round ligament pain and hip tension.
Movement Routines for the Third Trimester
Sharing what movement routines have worked for me in my third pregnancy as a Women’s Health Physical Therapist! It’s been so fun moving alongside many clients who are also currently pregnant. Glean some helpful insights with this weekly plan!
Monday | Prenatal Yoga Flow
> This feels SO good after the weekend!
> Eases aches and discomforts from the added pressure of baby, promotes both strength and mobility, optimizes breathing and promotes mindfulness. For me, there is no better way to start the week.
> If you’re in need of yoga guidance with pregnancy modifications already subbed in for you, I highly recommend my Prenatal Yoga Series. I have moved through these classes with each of my three pregnancies and it always feels amazing.
Tuesday | Walk + Jog combo
> Cardio, my friend! For me, a combination of walking and jogging feels best at this point in pregnancy. I listen to my body and go at a pace that leaves me feeling energized. Usually, this is 30 minutes total with a 4 minute jog / 1 minute walk repeated throughout. Sometimes, it’s all walking! Such as if after lunch or dinner is the only time to get it in that day. In order to let my food settle, I will simply walk.
> Walking is one of the best movements throughout the third trimester of pregnancy as it helps baby get into optimal position for childbirth. It is also gentle on our joints while promoting lymphatic flow to reduce limb swelling.
Wednesday | Pilates Based Strengthening
> As our muscles adjust to the increased load of baby, it”s so important that we are not ignoring strengthening!
> During the third trimester I prioritize hip strengthening into internal rotation so as to help lengthen the back portion of the pelvic floor for optimal muscle lengthening during childbirth. The hips and pelvic floor are so deeply intertwined, thus I have created movement routines to optimally address strengthening in support of our growing bellies while also avoiding increased tension on areas that need mobility for childbirth. Yes, this can be complex to program just right! That’s why I filmed myself moving through these routines throughout my third pregnancy so that you can move from the comfort of your own home, too. Pregnancy workout programming can be found here!
Thursday | Pregnancy Mobility Flow + Walk
> It’s important to prioritize mobility to help ease any tension that may have come on as a result of strengthening. We need both strengthening and lengthening of our muscles to feel our best!
> I have created mobility flows specific to the third trimester in my Pregnancy Program in order to help optimally position baby during this integral time, too. Not to mention, these mobility flows feel AMAZING on the low back, hips and neck – aka common areas that tension and discomfort develops during pregnancy.
Friday | Core + Pelvic Floor Strengthening
> Optimizing recruitment of both the pelvic floor and deep core through specialized exercises that integrate breathing with movement. This is also included in my Pregnancy Program, through which I move alongside you in my third trimester with my third baby.
> Working the FULL core wall to support growing baby and prevent pain.
> The videos in my Pregnancy Program are yours to repeat as needed throughout your pregnancy to feel strong as you enter motherhood, whether your first or third(+) pregnancy!
Saturday | Unstructured Mindful Movement
> Weekends are for more unstructured movement and family time!
> For me, this looks like going on a hike in a local metro park, or chasing after my two older children at the park while incorporating body weight movements. This is the time to set your phone aside and move intuitively with your body.
> Feel like doing squats while your kids play in the backyard? Rock out 10 reps, then take a deep breath as you reach your arms overhead and give gratitude to your body for supporting both you and baby. Next, do another set.
> Use this day to take any pressure off of yourself that movement needs to look a certain way, and rather tap into how movement *feels* in your body. This will help set the stage for the next week of movement routines that you select to incorporate!
Sunday | Myofascial Release + Rest
> Time to tap into your myofascial system to ease any aches or pains that are common in the third trimester.
> As a leading Women’s Health Physical Therapist, I’ve developed routines using both foam rollers and myofascial release balls to ease tension of the hips, pelvic floor, low back, upper back, neck, calves and glutes.
> These routines are also available in my Pregnancy Program and feel absolutely amazing throughout the third trimester.
Nutrition in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Sometimes, those first trimester pregnancy symptoms can make their way back as we enter the third trimester. If this is the case for you, it’s time to go back to the basics! Here’s some important holistic health tips to keep in mind for nourishing your body in the third trimester:
> Prenatal Vitamin | I use and recommend the Full Well Prenatal, as this is optimized for nutrient absorption, quality of vitamins / minerals present and no added gunk that your body does not need. Pregnancy is not the time to just pick the most convenient, cheapest, or most easily accessed prenatal. Let’s not skimp on you and baby’s nutrient insurance policy! This is the time we should be most intentional about what we’re putting in our bodies to support you and baby. (Use discount code DRKAYLA for 20% off your first order of Full Well Prenatal)
> Protein | If nausea has returned in the third trimester, I highly recommend looking at your protein consumption! Most women are not consuming enough protein during pregnancy. As we enter the third trimester and there is increased demand on our muscles from the added load of our growing babe, protein consumption is all the more important.
I use and suggest a high quality collagen supplement first thing in the morning. This I put in my coffee and it dissolves seamlessly, not changing the taste of my beloved black coffee. Here’s the grass-fed beef isolate version I use: Perfect Supplements Collagen. (Use discount code DRKAYLA for 10% off all Perfect Supplements orders).
Additionally, I keep a high quality protein powder on hand to add to baked goods, smoothies, yogurt and oatmeal to up these protein needs in the third trimester of pregnancy. Be Well by Kelly offers the cleanest protein powder on the market, I use both the vanilla and chocolate grass feed beef isolate versions. (Use discount with code DRKAYLA for 10% off all Be Well by Kelly protein powders here!
> Beef Liver | Say whaaaat? This is the nutrition reccommendatiosn that most clients have the greatest challenge with, and I get it! I initially had an aversion to cooking with beef liver and thus used desiccated beef liver supplements from Perfect Supplements (discount code DRKAYLA applies here as well!). I prefer the pill version and take 2-3 days per week to get this nutrient powerhouse in my system! As I have experimented with the cooking of raw liver, I have found it easiest to implement when cooking ground beef for tacos or into bolognese sauce for pasta nights.
In my Pregnancy Program, we go into further detail on the benefits of beef liver, protein variations and how to break down optimal prenatal nutrients with specific recipes to implement into your diet when nourishing both you and baby!
Third Trimester Hydration in Pregnancy
We often hear “DRINK WATER” throughout pregnancy, especially as fluid needs rise later in pregnancy. Yet, if we are solely consuming water without the correct ratio of electrolytes, this will simply be peed out of our system and not optimally hydrate both you and baby.
> LMNT | Ahhhh the BEST and most easiest to implement! Simply pour a packet into your water every day. You can grab a free sample pack with purchase when you use this link! My favorite flavor is watermelon, with citrus being a close second.
> DIY | The most cost-effective way? Grab a glass and fill with 1/2 coconut water, 1/2 filter water, splash of free OJ, pinch of sea salt and a scoop of magnesium powder. I call this the orang creamsicle and it is sooo good! If I feel like an extra electrolyte boost is needed after a rather active day, I’ll make this in the evenings after having already had my LMNT packet earlier in the day. (I use and recommend Perfect Supplement’s Magnesium Powder, code DRKAYLA will give you a discount for that also!).
If you are experiencing cramping in the calves or foot, particularly at night, then tapping into your hydration and electrolytes is extra important! This is why I take a holistic approach to Women’s Health Physical Therapy. We can’t just look at the physical, your nutrition play such a huge roll in how the body feels, too. By getting the water where it needs to go, we can avoid physical symptoms such as the cramping or nausea many women experience in the third trimester of pregnancy.
Avoiding Common Discomforts in the Third Trimester
Alright my friend, time to decipher “common” versus “normal”. Yes, it is normal to have *some* aches and discomforts in the third trimester as baby grows, your posture changes and you experience the added load that is baby plus placenta. This is soooo different than pain.
Pain is NOT normal during pregnancy, no matter if in the third trimester or first. Neither is pressure (until we are 37+ weeks and on the lookout for signs of impending labor, that is!). So, how do you avoid pain during pregnancy? Even during the third trimester?
Movement, nourishment, breath-work, stress reduction techniques and knowing how to address pain points if they do come on board. I break ALL of this down very specifically in my Pregnancy Program, during which we address common pain points such as:
> Back pain
> Hip pain
> SIJ pain
> Urinary incontinence (both the strong urge to pee and leakage during activity)
> Headaches
> Neck pain
> Prolapse
> Diastasis recti
> Pubic symphysis pain
This list is not all inclusive, but highlights the most common – but not “normal” – pain points in pregnancy.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, I encourage you to go back to many of the basics recommended in this blog post. Furthermore, check out my Holistic Pregnancy Program where you can watch videos specific to each of these areas and have a Women’s Health Physical Therapist in your back pocket to address these concerns and more as you move through pregnancy.
Questions on the above? You can book a Free Initial Consult with me at any time to discuss your questions, concerns and pain points in determining the best next step to support your health in pregnancy… and beyond!